The color changing Sapphire in Corundum is real, it will appear different colors in different light, also known as color changing corundum or color treasure, the color change is expected to be caused by the chrome element in corundum.
Black SPINEL, from it comes out, the output is self-evident, how many hundreds of millions, most of these will not be done by hand inlaid finished products, generally using wax inlaid technology to solve the inlaid, black spinel electroplating equipment requirements are higher, in general, the aging of some equipment or the improper treatment temperature of skilled workers will cause the coloration of black spinel caused by electroplating.
Red Spinel has a ruby-like bright luxury red, it is also highly valued. She was wearing the robes of the pope of the Vatican, the Tsar of Russia, the son of Iran, and the crown of King of the British Empire.
The common color of diopside is blue-green to yellow-green, brown, yellow, purple, colorless to white. Luster for glass luster. If chromium is present in diopside, the mineral has a green tinge, so diopside gems are often confused with other gems such as yellow-green olivine, (green) tourmaline, and chrysoberite, which of course depend on other physical differences between the minerals to distinguish them.
Moonstone is a layered gemstone mineral of orthoclase and Albite. Moonstone is mainly produced in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, India, Brazil, Mexico and the European Alps, of which Sri Lanka produced the most precious.
Orange, the streak is colorless, transparent, glassy luster, hardness 9, specific gravity 4.016, {0001}, {10 ˉ 10} Cleavage. [1]
Gem grade periodt is mainly divided into thick yellow-green periodt, golden green periodt, yellow-green periodt, thick green periodt (also known as dusk emerald or western emerald, evening primrose emerald) and sky gem.
Pink Sapphire reddish sapphire: earlier, the international gem community believed that only corundum with medium depth to dark red or purplish red can be called ruby. Those that turn red light to very light are called pink sapphires.
Spinel is a mineral composed of magnesium and aluminum oxide, because it contains magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and other elements, they can be divided into many kinds, such as aluminum spinel, iron spinel, zinc spinel, manganese spinel, chrome spinel and so on.
Gem bound all kinds of gem grade corundum beyond ruby are called sapphire. Sapphire mineral name for corundum, corundum group minerals.
Tan crystal is also called tea crystal, and smoke quartz (brown quartz) is also called smoke crystal and ink crystal Radioactive Most of the tea crystals are hexagonal columns. Like other transparent crystals, there are sometimes connotations such as ice crack, cloud and fog.
TSAVORITE (TSAVORITE) chemical name is chrome vanadium calcium aluminum garnet, because contains trace amounts of chromium and vanadium, delicate Emerald Green, pleasing to the eye. Kenya’s Shafe National Park was discovered by geologist Campbell Brydges in the late 1960s.