What do you mean by optimization and processing in the gem circle

What do you mean by optimization and processing in the gem circle?
In the gemstone cycle, "optimization" and "processing" are two concepts. If optimization is "trick", the treatment is "plastic surgery".
Optimization refers to "various traditional and widely accepted improvement methods that highlight the potential beauty of jewelry and jade".
The treatment refers to "non-traditional and unacceptable methods of strengthening", which are less accepted by all and the value of the treated stones will be significantly reduced. Although heat treatment has the word "treatment", it is actually an optimization and is accepted and recognized by the public.


Heat treatment
Gemstones are placed in a controlled heating device and heat treatment is done by controlling the temperature and heating conditions to mimic nature's deep environment. Finally, the color, transparency and purity of the gemstone can be continuously improved over a long period of time to improve the aesthetic and commercial value of the gemstone.

Post time: May-06-2022